Subject: ENGL101 - Question About Final Paper Requirements
Dear Professor [Last Name],
I am [Your Full Name], a student in your ENGL101 course (Section 3, MWF 10:00 AM). I am writing to seek clarification about the requirements for the final paper.
Specifically, I would like to know if we are required to use MLA or APA formatting for citations. Additionally, could you please confirm if the minimum number of scholarly sources needed is five or six?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
Student ID: [Your ID Number]
ENGL101 - Section 3
[Your University Email]
Subject: PHYS202 - Office Hours Appointment Request
Dear Dr. [Last Name],
I am a student in your PHYS202 class and would like to schedule a meeting during your office hours to discuss the recent midterm exam. Would you be available this Wednesday at 2:00 PM?
Thank you for your consideration.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Subject: HIST300 - Extension Request for Term Paper
Dear Professor [Last Name],
Due to unexpected medical circumstances (documentation attached), I am writing to request a brief extension on the term paper due this Friday. Would it be possible to submit the paper by next Monday?
I understand if this is not possible and appreciate your consideration.
[Your Name]